Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Birthday Series Part I: Dual Birthday Lunch at Work with a Side of Co-Worker 25th Anniversary

Birthdays in the workplace - so many things can go wrong.  In the past in my department people's feelings have been hurt if their birthday falls on a weekend or somehow isn't acknowledged in exactly the same fashion as everyone else.  Yes, seriously.

So to alleviate the pain, we have implemented this year a sort of self-serve celebration responsibility.  If it is your birthday, you decide how and when to celebrate.  If you want to bring in a snack, great.  Some people have brought in bagels and other's a store bought cake.  It is all lovely.

A co-worker and I happen to have the days of our birth separated by only 24 hours and so I suggested we combine financial resources and offer a pizza party.  Here is a look at the results:

Classic Sausage

Black Olive


and my absolute favorite, plain cheese!

Two managers seemed to disappear immediately after eating and though we thought it a little strange, we reasoned they may have a meeting to go to or other work related need to be away from our fascinating lunch.  (Conversation covered favorite birthdays and most obscure pets - winners are the woman who skydived to celebrate 50 and those who have or want to own pigs as pets.)

The ladies returned a short while later bearing gifts of ice cream bars to celebrate one woman's 25th anniversary with the company.  25 years!  She typically does not enjoy being the center of attention and so while you may think frozen treat a bit cheap or lack luster, really it is about customizing the level of party to meet that of the desires of the honoree.

None of us complained as we happily ate the decadent and unexpected surprise!

And for those who chose to eat healthier (and for those who were too full from pizza to even consider an ice cream - though I can't imagine it) - a heart shaped dish of cherries!

Happy Birthday to Debi and I.  For me, the partying has just begun...

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