I've always taken care of the majority of the meals, menus, planning, and food preparation in general for my husband and our two adult sons. Though our sons are only 4 years apart in age, they have vastly different food preferences, but steak is something all the men in the house agree on.
When it comes to potatoes though, they still have varying opinions from french fries to tater tots, mashed to home fries, some one has to give in to a level of tolerance. I also sneak in vegetables and with the bright green season of spring, they don't really mind a little asparagus, sauteed simply and quickly in a splash of olive oil with salt and pepper. The real trick to this meal involved the silent war being waged between my husband and our youngest son. In summary, it was something to do with tools, the use of the garage, which rags are for cleaning what and moving each other's stuff in general. My older son and I tried to awkwardly fill in the conversational gaps.
Onions in a black cast iron skillet are a requirement with steak as far as I am concerned. A peaceful conversation among my family of four is just as important, but if they can't be civil, being quiet as they work it out in their own minds is perfectly fine.
As I prepare the rest of the meal, the gas grill heats up and though it seems to take forever in the rain, once it reaches temperature I prefer to time the cooking per side to about 4 minutes. The beef is seasoned with a dry rub, salt and pepper.
It's not that we have steak that often, but I had planned it since all the men would be around the table together. A meal they mostly agree on is rare and luckily so are quiet dinners.
As for the potatoes, I love using Bistro gravy granules from England to fill the well. We have friends who frequently travel to England and our older son is hoping to escort them soon as well.
As he finished the last bite of his meal, our younger son asked to be excused from the table and disappeared to his room for the night. Though my husband wanted to work it all out, I recommended a 24 hour cooling off period - yes, a manly man's time out.
They have come to an agreement and as this blog is being written are talking as if nothing ever happened. Though not every meal can be a celebration they are all a part of a real life with ups and downs, good memories and less favorite times.