After a week or two of wet weather as I imagine must be found in the state of Washington, it was a welcome sight on the Saturday morning of Memorial Day weekend to see the sun. However, within a few hours of attending the local Spring Artist Street Fair, Town Wide Yard Sale and Farmers Market, I was positively wilted.
My fabulous husband teased me about turning into one of the awful characters in a Snicker's commercial. The sad part - he was right.
I gathered a few supplies at the Farmers Market to make up a very casual lunch for the two of us on the deck (in the shade)!
Oil cured olives,
Marinated mushrooms,
A 1 1/4 pound ball of fresh mozzarella (I had the tomatoes)
A beautifully prepared pear tart, (designed to be an individual serving, I did have the restraint to only eat 1/4 at this sitting - must be the heat)
On the table, some oil and vinegar,
I grilled a few slices of seedless Italian bread, bought from the same vendor as the mozzarella,
For me, an open face sandwich with a few slices of salami on the side,
For him, a more traditional approach, a closed sandwich with a drizzle of oil and vinegar,
and the bit that took the edge off - a splash of Limoncello, some ice and a bit of Sierra Mist.
Enjoy the weekend - eat outside!