Monday, September 6, 2010

How Girl's Night Evolves...

Once upon a time, female friends gathered in a bar, maybe for a designated ladies night with drink specials or maybe just because that was the easiest way for them to get together and socialize. One day, one of the friends realized she really couldn't stay out late anymore and go to work the next day. And, it really wasn't about having a drink, it was about the gathering, the getting together and talking so how much dirt could you dish in a bar?

The ladies planned field trips and though they are a lot of fun, less intimate conversation can happen on a mini-golf course and the search for another venue continued.

"Breakfast," one of the friends suggested. "Are you free this Sunday?"

Breakfast it is and though the core group is small a guest appearance is sometimes made by different friends in common. When a local fire department hosts a pancake breakfast fundraiser, the group can grow up to 10.

Though it really isn't about the food, the ladies have their favorites and have joked about reading the menu and ordering the same thing anyway. French toast. Eggs Benedict. Scrambled with bacon. Drinks are root beer with no ice, one coffee and one hot tea with or without orange juice. Something solid and dependable in knowing what to expect.

Locations change slightly depending on the mood. One chain hot spot offers the best or at least current favorite breakfast potatoes and a local diner has superior and generous omelets.

On this morning, it was the chain and an invited guest who was traveling and the ladies had not seen each other for a few years.

New breakfast platters with stylized photos in separate laminated menus scream out to customers. The marketing works. "Stuffed french toast, oh, that looks yummy."

Fruit seduces the ladies with a wink at health conscious eating though it is blatantly smothered in whipped cream.

2 order the strawberry and banana french toast with the exact same side of scrambled egg and bacon.

Another french toast order, with scrambled egg and bacon but one fruit has changed from banana to blueberry.
Of course a selection of flavored syrups are also offered and though I didn't pay attention, I'm almost positive this crowd reached for traditional maple flavor.

The typical Eggs Benedict or Omelet morphed and customized into an omelet with Hollandaise Sauce on the side. With a teaspoon dipped into the sauce, a drizzle was created and the diner is allowed to feel in control.
I recently watched Ina Garten on the Food Network create a lovely looking Hollandaise in a blender. Though I haven't tried it myself yet, here it is:
1 1/2 sticks unsalted butter
4 extra large egg yolks at room temperature
3 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
Kosher salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
2 pinches cayenne pepper (honestly, I know I would leave this out)
How to:
Melt the butter in a small sauce pan. Place all other ingredients in blender and blend for 15 seconds. With the blender on, slowly pour the hot butter in and blend for an additional 30 seconds until sauce is thick. Can be stored at room temperature for up to one hour. If sauce is too thick, add one tablespooon hot tap water before serving.

Back to our meal... the crispy breakfast potatoes are always the correct texture and no one cares if they are hand or machine cut or how they are cooked. The point here is for them to be consistent and they are gloriously successful.
Ah, and the fruit - melons, pineapple and a grape or two.

The ladies talk of love, friendship, children, a wedding, work and school - just as any other group of women might then they pose for a picture taken by the waitress. A crowd is starting to gather waiting for tables as they leave and go their separate ways, off into the day with full bellies and warm hugs.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Spontaneous Tourist Date - Little Italy, NY

After a week filled with a number of pitfalls including flat tires, a busted boiler, a broken toe, I'd been hoping for something fun. Maybe even a cocktail? Saturday brought the need to do list, but seeing I'd had enough, my hubby said, "Want to go to the city in the morning and you can take pictures? Want to go tonight, dinner?"


1. We do not live around the corner from the city.

2. Clearly, this would be a real date - do we still do that after 23 years of marriage?

3. As semi-empty-nesters, it is our obligation to learn to be spontaneous.

"Give me 5 minutes. Let's go to dinner," I answer.

Jacket, camera, extra charged battery, wallet, cell phone, "Ready!"

We are dressed very casually and have no destination in mind. Who does this? Not us. I begin typing things in the browser on my cell phone and realize, "I've never been to Little Italy. Can we just go there?"

Ah, tourists. And, why not? We are tourists. I want to take pictures. We are not dressed to blend in with the natives, just call a spade a spade and be done with it. Down the highway, over a bridge, into the innerworkings of the city and poof, we find our destination AND street parking. No hydrant? No restrictions? Is this a trick? A high five for our luck and we are off.

We want to walk around and see the sights, the neighborhood, everything. It is already beginning to get a little too dark for me to shoot, but I don't care. Tourist photos it is! And then we stumble upon it, a kitchen store (to you, maybe not very exciting, for me a must see)!

Is this designed for the natives or the tourists? Does it really matter?

Doesn't everyone take pictures of the front door?

So much to see and wonder about - to dream of fresh foods and exotic tastes.

To me, they are like jewels, shiny and sparkly...

Is security watching me take pictures? Do they care or are they merely amused? Hubby points out the chicken and rooster themed dishes and we smile. A story, a thousand years old, that we share from his youth. Christmas Eve shopping for his Mom and a glass chicken candy dish - the details are ours, part of the threads that have woven our story.

We exit the store and bid the security guard in his suit a good night.

We walk along and see the world famous Lombardi's. And the line that wraps around the building. Tourists?

Street side entertainment for those who wait. I am sure he loves having his picture taken, feeling like a goldfish, stared at and photographed for the amusement of others.

More eye candy for the tourists and I fall for it...

And so we head to the restaurant we had passed earlier. The sidewalk specials had caught my eye and I knew they would have something we would each enjoy. Hubby is frightfully predictable and traditional and typically orders chicken marsala.

No chicken marsala?

Well, they do have "chicken and mushrooms in wine sauce." Whew.

I start with a French Martini. I know, I know, I am in an Italian restuarant, but that is my latest favorite. Then the Escarole and Bean in Brodo soup and the Seafood Risotto special.

Escarole & Bean in Brodo (broth)

You will need:

Garlic (my bowl alone had about 3 cloves) to taste
Cannelini Beans
Olive oil
Salt & Pepper
Restaurant used Vegetable Broth - you may substitute chicken if you like...

* Grated parmesan for at table

Saute garlic in olive oil in medium pan. Add escarole and wilt with a pinch of salt. Next add broth and beans, simmer until beans are heated through and tender. Once soup is ladled into bowl, sprinkle (or grate or pile on) parmesan.

It is the simple things that are sometimes the best!

I could not properly photograph the soup, the restaurant is fairly dark and trying without flash leaves the images blurry as the shutter is held open long enough for me to shake and with flash, the image becomes washed out and unrecognizable. The same problem happened with my meal. But, his chicken dish, was amazing! To smell, to photograph, to taste. Served with a side order of gentle ribbons of linguini in a light tomato sauce. A soft kiss on the cheek of flavors.

Our meal ends and we decide not to try to eat another bite. We may have dessert while walking around a bit more. Goodbye Rocky's and thank you for the food memories.

And then we enter it, the real Little Italy. Cameras flash. Cigarette and cigar smoke fills your nose. Crowds. Vendors. Souvenier t-shirts and post cards. Does this mean we had eaten where the natives may eat?

What makes me look down? I have no idea. Handwritten on the sidewalk, "Here Lies Jimmy Hoffa." We laugh and walk among the tourists.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

What do you eat at Book Club?

I'd been thinking about it for weeks...time to meet with the ladies from Book Club! We've been meeting for a few years now I believe and we started out taking turns bringing pizza to one member's home. We read at least one book per month for Book Club and more for ourselves. Members fairly take turns picking the current read and titles range and weave through fiction, non-fiction, best sellars and required reading for college class.

The meals begin to change as members take turns preparing a dish. Baked ziti, chicken on skewers, fruits and desserts. The ladies talk about life, the book, the meal and some more about life. The location begins to change and they meet at a historic area landmark and when not everyone can make it, two meet for dinner at a restaurant and the location this month changed to the home of another member. Though I'd been there before I wrote the house number down so I would not forget and set off for my friends.

I'd walked through the gate, stopped to dig out my camera and went back out.

How welcoming!

I am a bit early and the hostess and I chat as she gives me a bit of a tour for the camera. So many cozy and warm spaces, for gathering or just letting your mind rest.

The light faded quickly and many of the photographs I'd taken were

dark and shadowy.

We thought we might eat on the porch and chat, but the cool night was a bit too much and we stayed indoors instead. A treat just the same.

In the kitchen for just a moment to check on dinner, then on to the photography display our hostess has created with thoughtful images her husband has captured. Next, on to the studio and I want to photograph everything - her work in progress, the way things are grouped, the feel of the sturdy, filled bookshelves. Must respect the artist's space...though it is a bit of fuel for me.

Our tools, they are art, they evolve, they drive us, they are an extension of us.

And, of course we are hungry. Though we have not met for most of the summer and our reading is not as disciplined as a group as we would like, we have committed to the meal and to talk of life.

Simple, satisfying and snappy salsa and chips. The salt, the crunch, the perfect activity for hand and mouth while we catch up about local topics including disputes about small farms and the smoke from outdoor woodstoves. Who has rights? What about the property owner? The neighbors? Pass the dip please!

I knew it would be chili and on this cool summer night, it is a warm and comforting choice. The surpise is in the cornbread topping. The chili was baked in a round casserole dish then topped with an instant cornbread mix and cheddar cheese. A food hug in a bowl. As a lover of chips, I had to add some to my dish and later use them as secret scoopers to get every last bite of chili.

The discussion comes around to books and things literary while tea steeps in mugs. English Breakfast for me and I breath in the warm scented steam as a plate of famous cookies are put in the middle of the table. We talk of possible next titles and leave things loose and unfinished, but we know we will meet again soon and share a delicious meal served next to a healthy dollop of life with art and literature on the side.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

What makes a dinner memorable?

And so our youngest son has been dropped off for the first time at college. A day of firsts. This is our first child to go away to school, our older son chose to live home and commute and so we, the parents, are filled with emotions; pride, a bit of anxiety, happiness, and a sprinkle of worry. We wear our smiling faces as we watch him walk away to his new temporary home.

Coincidentally, it is my birthday. My husband of 23 years and I begin a quiet and thoughtful 3 hour ride toward home and I spot a restaurant.

"Are you hungry," I ask.

"No, not really," he answers and by the time I can point out the restaurant, he realizes I am not asking if he is hungry, but rather if we can stop at the cute restaurant I just spotted next to the river. He turns the vehicle around and I smile.

A tough task lies ahead. How do we separate dropping our son off and my birthday? Or should we try to at all?

We stand in front of the restaurant and can clearly see the dining room is lined with tables butted against the windows. "I definitely want to sit by the window," I think as I take the picture. Memories of meals by the water come to the front of my thoughts and push away the cloudy unsettled feelings that were there.

As we approach the front door, I wonder, how many other families stop at this restaurant for this very moment in their life? How many other parents find a few minutes of comfort in food after leaving their child to start their own journey?

Is this part of the process? Finding a little adventure of our own? A place to create new and happy memories...stories to share with family, "and we found this wonderful little restaurant overlooking the river..." Hope and promise. So much anticipation for this one birthday dinner. Or is that what it is at all?

Upon entering the gift shop/foyer area, we notice crafts, maple syrup and other items for sale on the left and a generous sitting area that somehow reminds you of a grandmother you never had on the right. A woman, who can only be defined in age as "older", greets us and carefully picks up menus. She walks purposefully and carefully, it is hard for me to slow my gait, I am so accustomed to speeding ahead - from one task to the next, hurrying to finish and now, the walk is symbolic in a few seconds, I have no need to rush.

Without asking, we are seated a few tables away from other dinners, by a gloriously large and clean window. This is the table...

Typically, things happen a bit quickly in a restaurant in New York.
Normally, your water glass is filled, you are asked if you would like a drink and once that is brought to you, your order is taken.
I knew somehow, this would not be the case.
Yes, a young lady came and poured water and another lady asked us what we would like to drink, but she also told us, "Your cheese and crackers will be right out." Hmmmm.

Not every meal has to feature trendy gourmet bits to be impressive. Quality, freshness and even a touch of unique lend to the warm, homey but yet, out to dinner feel.
The house drinks are listed in a flap in the menu and I select the French Martini. Basically, vodka, Chambord and pineapple juice, shaken with ice and poured into a stemmed cocktail glass. A moment of sweetness to be sure. We clink our glasses in a toast to my birthday. Is that why we're here?

Next, we place our dinner orders and time seems to stop. Conversation feels a bit forced and we seem to choose what feels like safe and neutral topics - the crows fishing on the sandy bank of the river, wondering how deep the water is and laughing about the 70+ year old group of Senior Citizens who are discussing Facebook. Should we just dive in and talk about the huge pink elephant? Will he be ok? What's he doing now? Our older son text messages in and asks where we are (if we were closer to home he would have joined us) and we try to act as though all of this is normal, everyday, routine and we are fine.

The waitress brings us a "relish platter" and a basket of pop-overs. How quaint! What a lovely interruption and of course, it makes the elephant disappear.

Though the elements in the platter are not foods we would typically expect to eat when we are out, we sample and begin to speak a bit more relaxed. "Wonder when he will feel homesick, right away or after some time?" "Wonder how he will get along with his roommate." "Well, we did our job and the rest is up to him..."

My husband leaves the table to find the men's room and upon his return he tells me, "Remember how your grandfather used to leave little pieces of paper and notes written in pencil around his house? Well, the men's room has a note by the light switch, 'Please turn off light when you leave' and a note to remember to flush."

Charming or annoying?

The relish platter has been cleared and we continue chatting through a fresh and crisp salad. Feeling a bit more at ease, able to relax and just enjoy the meal, our main courses arrive.

Though the menu called it "Broiled Seafood" the scallops and shrimp did not have a broiled feel. I was happy to have chosen from the House Special section, "Braised Beef." We were offered two vegetable choices from silver bowls; a green bean medley or cauliflower and I had a generous spoonful of each along side a baked potato.

We share our entrees and as I thought from looking, mine seems the better choice. The beef had been cooked long and slow to fork tenderness and the gravy was rich without being salty or over seasoned. Yum.

The dishes are cleared, the dessert menu is brought to us and in one of the sections, a story of the history of the restaurant. Lovely. I make a selection and venture away to the Ladies' Room. No note about the light switch, but the gleamingly clean tile and grout allow one to forgive any taped reminders. This restroom is indeed well maintained.

An individual pot of tea arrived in my absence and he has a cup of aromatic coffee. Within a few minutes our dessert arrives and thankfully, no secret candle or strangers singing, "Happy Birthday." This dinner was much more.

Apple Fritter - made with Granny Smith apples (I asked).

While this recipe is not from the baker, it seems the closest thing I could find on the web.
Our apple fritters were really apple pie pockets served in a cozy vanilla sauce.
Heaven. We wait to see what our next trip up or back from our son's college will bring...

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Tradition - yes! Cake - no!

Past generations had pretty standard traditions for most occasions and when a child was celebrating a birthday, having cake was more than an assumed expectation, it was the rule. I do not remember the pivotal point, it may have been my renegade husband who said, "I really don't like cake. Can we have something else?" A new tradition was born. The birthday celebration can completely reflect the culinary tastes and desires of the honoree and why not? This idea in itself is the new tradition. Through the years we have had many birthday cheesecakes, key lime pie, strawberry shortcake, ice cream cake which contains no cake at all outside of the chocolate crumbs in the middle and several apple pies.

This year, I wondered how I could personalize an apple pie the way a birthday cake can be iced, frosted, have computer generated graphics and many options for a cake. I have a number of "crust cutters" which are small metal forms similar to cookie cutters and among them are leaf and apple shapes. I wondered if I could roll out the top crust and simply carve out "Happy Birthday." Well, I'm sure it can be done, but for my first time out, I decided instead to simply carve his three letter name, "KEN" and call it a personalized birthday pastry.


What do you do at a family birthday party? We played wiffle ball in between dinner and dessert. Once the candles were lit, the happy birthday song was sung, we had our birthday pie and played 2 furious rounds of Uno. Ah, what is sweeter than good times with our families and the memories we create?

Looking over this experimental and small step into a new tradition, I wonder what I can do to improve. Next time, I may think out the font a bit more carefully, but I recommend everyone try this at least once.

The filling for this apple pie was 6 large apples, peeled and sliced, a sprinkle of cinnamon, a tablespoon each of sugar and flour, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.

A secret - I used a store bought double crust, but yes, I can make my own from scratch. This pie was fancied up by the personalized custom crust carved before baking.

Friday, July 30, 2010

First Bites

For those who eat breakfast, what is the meal like for you? A hurried bit at home, a greasy prepared fast-food croissanwich, a biscuit, a bagel, or a simple piece of fruit? Coffee and toast? A freshly blended smoothie? Cold cereal or frozen waffles with the kiddies?

Breakfast seems to be the most varied meal among us and not often shared during the work week. However, I have become a bit of a convert and join with a few co-workers at precisely 7:30 a.m. in the company cafeteria to assemble and select a freshly prepared morning feast at least once a week. Omelets made to order, pancakes (with or without blueberries, depending on the season thank you very much), fruit smoothies, french toast, oh and let's not forget the pastry bar or the sausage or bacon. A sizzling flat top griddle, manned by Emmett in his traditional white double breasted coat and black and white checkered pants, he taps the metal spatula and calls out, "Happy, happy, happy," as we walk in to make our selections. We may talk about the weather, sports, food or he may simply ask, "Everything alright?" What a delicious way to start the day.

Some of my recent favorites include a hard roll (you can try to make this healthy by going with the multi-grain, but I always ask for "regular") with sausage and freshly sliced tomato, or a tomato omelet (again, you can go for egg whites, but I get the whole egg) and sometimes the smoothie which recently consisted of blueberries, strawberries, banana, pineapple and yogurt. Yum.

To balance things out, I may also decide to have oatmeal at my desk and sometimes I will add craisins or blueberries. Granola bars are another option. Celebratory or breakfast meetings at work can also include the best bagels and they are usually still warm - the right balance of chewy, crusty and doughy accompanied by a selection of flavored cream cheeses. Sometimes, one of us will feel the need to share our desire for sweet doughnuts or a quick box of doughnut "holes" from that corporate donut franchise. Strange how we have more traffic from other departments on those mornings.

Once in awhile, we gather after we pay for our food and sit together, chatting like friends more than co-workers. Is it the food, Emmett, the overall atmosphere? Does it matter? The first bites of the day can be savory or sweet - it's always up to you to be fed well.

Emmett's Tomato Omelet:
In one section of the hot flat top warm chopped tomato (about a handful)
In another section ladle some egg mixture
Once the egg is cooked on one side, scoop the tomato into the middle of the egg and fold one side in. Plate.

The Fancied Up Version (for 1 but double it for 2):

The tomato mixture:
1/2 medium tomato
1 tablespoon chopped parsley
1 tablespoon chopped basil
pinch of salt, pepper

The egg mixture:
1 egg
1/4 cup half & half (ok, you can use milk if you want)

You may decide to:
1. simply cook the omelete then add the tomato mixture without cooking or;
2. use two pans - one for tomato and one for egg and follow Emmett's artful assembly or;
3. heat the tomato mixture first, drain away any liquid, add egg mixture to warmed pan and continue cooking together. Garnish with additional parsley if desired.