Tuesday, May 18, 2021

WWND - What would Nora do? Ephron that is.


I have never watched a biography more than once. I rarely re-read books - only the ones I truly love. Like meals I want to enjoy, over and over, comfort food for the brain. Last night, I re-enjoyed Nora Ephron: Everything is Copy. It does not matter that I know damn well how it ends.

Lately, I am somewhere between concerned and obsessively anxious about finding a full-time job that will be fulfilling, meaningful, provide a chance to grow, and all while paying an above average salary. Is that really to much to ask by a woman in their early 50's with enough experience that she was advised not to put the years on her resume for fear of sounding too old? (Yes, I wrote that run-on sentence just as out of breath as I would have if I were sitting across from you.)

I have writing heroes - Dorothy Parker and Nora Ephron sit on thrones. Queens of the written word with a bit of razor sharp wit. Okay, maybe even an abundance of razor sharp wit.

I have food heroes. Alex Guarneschelli and Julia Child. An odd combination? No. I disagree. Guarneschelli is the utmost leader in food adjectives, passionate discussions about ingredients, dishes, and meals always occur when she speaks in any medium. Child - well, do I really need to discuss this with you? 

Wait - there are connections? Nora Ephron and the movie, Julie and Julia. No, Ephron did not write it, that was Julie Powell, but she directed it. Ah.

So, what do I do with this information and dotted lines with a bit of crossover? Can I take a bit of something from each of these women, lessons learned, trails blazed, and mix it all together to create my own dish? Yes. 

It's not happening fast enough -  I can admit it. After that crazy breast cancer journey, the calendar, no the clock on the wall is a constant presence, a tap on the shoulder, a more than gentle nudge, that time is precious and finite.

I spend my days finding ways to be Fed Well. Every day, compiling ingredients and putting them together. Some days a low and slow simmer, and others the temptation to throw everything in the microwave and just cook up something, anything is tempting. 

What would Nora do?

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