- 1/2 shot of Simple Syrup (equal parts water and sugar boiled then cooled)
- 2 shots of Whiskey
- 1 shot of Lemon juice
- 1/2 shot of Egg white
- Ice
- Maraschino cherry in the glass and/or slice of orange for garnish

Sunday Dinner.
Does it make you imagine something like this:
I came across this family photo from my husband's family recently and just love it. Three generations. Dressed up for the occasion and knowing it is special enough to have a group photo. I'm assuming Christmas or Christmas Eve based on the tree in the left-hand corner, but just look at them. Joy. Celebration. Family. Together.
I've been missing gathering. And while the current pandemic climate can make gathering tricky, I can feel the change coming and soon I will make it a point to make sure we can all safely enjoy each other's company as well as a wonderful meal in my home again.
A section of my family was able to enjoy Sunday dinner this past week. Burgers from the grill. Yes, on a cold blustery Northeastern March evening, we enjoyed grilled goodness with potato salad, tossed salad, and a selection of simple frozen vegetables. Know what? It was delicious - the Mr. grilled, and I assembled the rest with help from everyone. I was able to hold my new granddaughter and give her a bottle.
AND, she met her great grandmother (my Mommy) for the first time.